Articles on
Over the past years, I’ve published a number of articles on the Google Cloud website:
- Best practices for using Google groups
- Best practices for securing SSH access to VM instances
- Okta user provisioning and single sign-on
- Design secure deployment pipelines
- Configure workload identity federation with Kubernetes
- Deploy an Active Directory forest on Compute Engine
- Let customers access their Google Cloud resources from your product or service
- Deploy a .NET app to Google Kubernetes Engine using a GitHub Actions
- Deploy an ASP.NET application to Compute Engine
- Configure workload identity federation with Active Directory
- Track VM and sole-tenant node usage for license reporting
- Best practices for using service accounts in pipelines
- Decide how to onboard identities to Google Cloud
- Best practices for using workload identity federation
- Best practices for using sole-tenant nodes to run VM workloads
- Deploying Active Directory Federation Services
- Configuring SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability Groups
- Choose the best way to use and authenticate service accounts on Google Cloud
- Best practices for using and managing service accounts
- Best practices for securing service accounts
- Best practices for managing service account keys
- Configuring a SQL Server failover cluster instance that uses persistent disks in multi-writer mode
- Configuring a SQL Server failover cluster instance that uses Storage Spaces Direct
- Creating custom Windows BYOL images
- Overview of identity and access management
- Overview of Google authentication
- Reference architectures
- Best practices for planning accounts and organizations
- Best practices for federating Google Cloud with an external identity provider
- Overview (assess and plan)
- Federating with Active Directory
- Federating with Azure AD
- Assessing existing user accounts
- Assessing onboarding plans
- Assessing the impact of user account consolidation on federation
- Preparing your G Suite or Cloud Identity account
- Azure AD user account provisioning and single sign-on
- Active Directory user account provisioning
- Active Directory single sign-on
- Overview (Consolidating accounts)
- Migrating consumer accounts
- Evicting unwanted consumer accounts
- Sanitizing Gmail accounts
- Reconciling orphaned managed user accounts
- Performing an in-place upgrade of Windows Server 2008 R2
- Creating an image from an ISO file
- Best practices for using Active Directory on GCP
- Configuring Active Directory for VMs to automatically join a domain
- Creating a CI/CD pipeline with Azure Pipelines and Cloud Run
- Using mutual TLS to obtain short-lived credentials
- Zero-trust remote admin access for Windows VMs on Compute Engine
- Keycloak single sign-on
- Removing Gmail from consumer accounts
- Single sign-on (Overview)
- Azure AD B2B single sign-on
- Azure AD My Apps portal integration
- Hybrid cloud patterns and practices
- Hybrid and multi-cloud architecture patterns
- Hybrid and multi-cloud network topologies
- Federating Google Cloud Platform with Active Directory
- Federating Google Cloud Platform with Active Directory: Synchronizing user accounts
- Federating Google Cloud Platform with Active Directory: Configuring Single Sign-On
- Federating Google Cloud Platform with Azure AD
- Federating Google Cloud Platform with Azure AD: Configuring provisioning and single sign-on
- Authenticating corporate users in a hybrid environment
- Patterns for authenticating corporate users in a hybrid environment
- Migrating consumer accounts to Cloud Identity
- Migrating consumer accounts to Cloud Identity or G Suite: Best practices for setting up federation
- Patterns for using Active Directory in a hybrid environment
- Using Managed AD across firewalls
- Deploying Managed AD
- Choose Size and Scope of Kubernetes Engine Clusters
- Deploying .NET Applications on GCP
- Creating a CI/CD pipeline with VSTS and Compute Engine
- Creating a CI/CD Pipeline with VSTS and Kubernetes Engine
Any opinions expressed on this blog are Johannes' own. Refer to the respective vendor’s product documentation for authoritative information.
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