Using workload identity federation, we can let an AWS-hosted application authenticate to Google Cloud using its AWS credentials. That also works for Lambda functions.
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In the last post we looked at how to set up a trust policy and role in AWS so that we can use a Google ID token to authenticate to AWS. But how do we actually use this in C#?
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By using workload identity federation, we can let applications use AWS credentials to authenticate to Google Cloud. That’s useful if we have an application that runs on AWS and needs access to Google APIs. But what if we are in the opposite situation, where we have an application on Google Cloud that needs access to AWS?
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When an application running on AWS needs access to Google APIs, we can use workload identity federation to let the application use its AWS credentials to authenticate to Google APIs. Unfortunately, the C# client library doesn’t support that yet, but we can fill that gap.
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Instead of using OAuth and access tokens, AWS uses request signatures to authenticate API requests. Typically, we can let libraries do the request signing for us – but sometimes we have to do it ourselves.
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