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Google Cloud Which project's quota are my API calls charged against?

Any call we make against a Google API is charged against a project quota. Depending on the API that we’re using, that project quota might limit the frequency of calls, the total number of calls, or even the number of calls per user. But which project’s quota is it that’s being charged? Continue »

Debugging The hidden danger of forgetting to specify %SystemRoot% in a custom environment block

When spawning a process using CreateProcess and friends, the child process usually inherits the environment (i.e. all environment variables) of the spawning process. Of course, this behavior can be overridden by creating a custom environment block and passing it to the lpEnvironment parameter of CreateProcess. While the MSDN documentation on CreateProcess does contain a remark saying that current directory information (=C: and friends) should be included in such a custom environment block, it does not mention the importance of SystemRoot. Continue »