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Development Keep your software packages small

It wasn’t until 2004 that I got broadband internet at home. So I remember the times when downloading a new JDK (which was around 20 MB at the time) over my 56K modem line meant blocking my family’s phone line for 2 hours. Today, bandwidth doesn’t seem like a limiting factor anymore. But that doesn’t mean that download sizes for applications don’t matter. Continue »

Development Stack Overflow: Not Convinced

Tomorrow, Stack Overflow is scheduled to go public. Being a long time reader of Jeff Atwood’s and Joel Spolsky’s blogs and essays, I was sceptical, yet interested in how this project would turn out. After all, although I have a strong tendency of favoring the usenet over Q&A web sites and forums, there was the possibility that given their audience, Stack Overflow could become a Q&A site that does not suck like just about all the other forums on the web. Continue »