Microsoft might not be the premier source of information about Google Cloud, but their cloud security benchmark (MCSB) turns out to provide some sound advice.
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Libssh2 lets us choose between multiple different crypto backends. But that doesn’t mean these backends are interchangeable – there are also some functional differences.
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When we allow users to use SSH to connect to Linux VMs on Google Cloud, we need to keep track of their public keys, and which VMs they have access to. The latest version of IAP Desktop makes that a little easier.
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Google Cloud lets us enable OS Login for a project by adding an entry to the project’s metadata. But is this approach sufficient to enforce OS Login for all VMs and users? Not really.
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By default, IAP Desktop uses the rsa-ssh public key signature algorithm when authenticating to a Linux VM. That can be a problem in certain situations, which is why the latest version now adds support for ECDSA.
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Whenever we grant users SSH or RDP access to VM instances, we have to ensure that access is revoked when the user changes teams or leaves the organization. This is easier said than done.
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Libssh2 is written in plain C and runs on many platforms, including Windows. But to use the library on Windows, you have to build it first – and as it turns out, that is easier said than done.
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In the last post, we looked at the risks of using local port forwarding and how it’s difficult to protect TCP tunnels in a multi-user environment. In this post, we take a look at how IAP Desktop protects its tunnels.
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If you are a frequent SSH user, then you’ll be familiar with local port forwarding. Creating tunnels by using local port forwarding is useful, easy, but also not without risks.
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