Service accounts play a key role in Google Cloud IAM, but they are easy to get wrong. If you’re not careful, you quickly end up with over-permissioned service accounts, accounts that are used across multiple applications, and service account keys being spread all across your environment.
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IAP Desktop 2.13 now lets you connect to Linux instances by using SSH. You can run multiple SSH and Remote Desktop in parallel, all secured by Identity-Aware-Proxy.
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Compute Engine uses googet to pre-install drivers and other critical system components on Windows VMs. But how do you update these packages if the VM does not have internet access?
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After creating a Windows VM on Google Cloud, users can use the Cloud Console or IAP Desktop to request login credentials. But what are the risks of letting users generate credentials, and is there a way to prevent them from doing so?
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If you frequently use Remote Desktop, then you might be used to creating .rdp files for the servers you connect to most often. IAP Desktop does not support .rdp files, but there is an alternative way to open IAP Desktop and connect to a server in a single click.
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When you authenticate a user by using OpenID Connect and request the email scope, most identity providers add two additional claims to the ID Token, email and email_verified. The email claim does not need much explanation – but what about email_verified, what does this claim indicate and how does Google populate it?
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When you create a VM instance on Google Cloud, you can optionally specify instance metadata. Instance metadata is a list of key/value pairs and the most common use case for using metadata is passing a startup or shutdown script to a VM. But startup and shutdown scripts are not the only platform features that rely on metadata.
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One of the less well known features of Google Cloud Shell is that it has PowerShell preinstalled. All it takes to convert your Cloud Shell session into a PowerShell session is to run a single command.
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In a company’s journey to the cloud, one of the topics that is important to sort out early is identity management. To do anything meaningful with Google Cloud, employees need to be able to sign in to the Cloud Console – but manually creating user accounts for each employee is rarely a good idea.
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When you automatically provision VM instances, you might need to know when the initialization has completed so that you can connect to the VM or initiate the next deployment steps. There are a few ways to determine when a VM is ready, so let us explore what these are.
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Azure DevOps has come a long way since its humble beginnings as Visual Studio Team System. Especially its CI/CD component, Azure Pipelines, has made some major leaps over the past years and is now actually quite nice to use.
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Microsoft’s Remote Desktop Connection Manager (RDCMan) is gone, it and took the Google Cloud IAP for Remote Desktop plugin with it. But now there is IAP Desktop to supersede both of them.
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Cloud computing is all about being able to dynamically scale, provision, and decommission resources or entire environments on demand. But the idea that infrastructure is dynamic clashes with some assumptions Active Directory is built around, and creates a challenge if you run Windows workloads in the cloud.
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On Google Cloud, a Linux instance boots in about 30 seconds while a Windows instance takes a full 2 minutes to turn up – why is Windows so much slower?
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Twenty years have passed since Microsoft released Windows 2000 and introduced Active Directory to the market. The excitement about Active Directory has certainly ebbed since then – but at the same time, it is difficult to overstate the impact that Active Directory has had on the IT market.
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If you have been an MSDN, TechNet, or Action Pack subscriber in the past, you probably remember the binders full of discs that Microsoft used to ship.
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